Defend the Right to Housing and to the City
Call for International Action
Amsterdam – 28th to 30 of May
Join the international Action and confront the meeting of the 23 EU housing ministers. Don“e;t let them talk behind closed doors about the future of our cities!
On the last weekend of May, the housing ministers of all EU countries are meeting in Amsterdam to start work on the first EU Urban Agenda, linked to the UN Habitat 3 mega-conference. This agenda will be lead by the neo-liberal politics of those who create it, and proposes to techno-fix our cities for their benefit, with „e;Smart Infrastructure“e;, and „e;better data monitoring“e;. These false solutions do nothing to curb the wholesale privatisation of our cities and our housing that is taking place across the continent.
In the European Action Coalition for the Right to Housing and to the City, we have decided to begin denouncing and organising against the EU“e;s role in developing the housing crisis. As a grassroots coalition across the continent, we will be supporting our Dutch members, the Bond Precaire Woonvormen, in taking action, as well as joining an action with other allies in Amsterdam. Come and join us over the last weekend in May to help build a European housing movement. Get in contact with housing@riseup.netto discuss logistics – our resources are limited but we want to support participation as far as possible.