Liebe Munizipalistische Plattform!
Dear Berlin New Municipalism Activists!
Your are invited to help shape and participate in the EXPERIMENTDAYS.18!
These discussions and workshops will initially be taking place between Thursday, September 6,
and Sunday, September 9, in Berlin, at the Prinzessinnengarten, Moritzplatz,
and Werkstatt am Haus der Statistik, Alexanderplatz.
Further workshops and events will be taking place during the urbanize! Festival in October,
and finally another round of EXDAYS presentations and discussions will be at the RAW in November.
It has been proposed that the ‚Munizipalistische Plattform‘ get together for a public discussion at the RAW, on Sunday, November 11. This could include evaluations and summaries of 2018 initiatives and events, including EXDAYS, urbanize!, Community Land Trust Initiatives, Mietendemos, Make City, etc. etc, with the goal of making proposals for 2019!
Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions!
We are asking everyone to register for the workshops, through the web site experimentdays.de.
Also see:
experimentdays.de / post@experimentdays.de
Koordiniert von
id22: Institut für kreative Nachhaltigkeit / Institute for Creative Sustainability e.V.
id22.net / institute@id22.net
Projektraum: Spreefeld, Wilhel mine-Gemberg-Weg 12, 10179 Berlin
Projekte: EXPERIMENTDAYS / Creative Sustainability Tours Berlin / CoHousing Berlin
Publikationen: stadtlabor berlin Magazin / CoHousing Cultures / CoHousing Inclusive
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